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Do you need Digital Marketing?

Nearly all businesses rely on digital advertising, with either Google Adwords or social Advertising Pay-per-click like Instagram or Facebook. Perhaps you are already, or looking for a Digital Marketing Training Provider for the practical skills or Digital Marketing training centre to learn the key skills to do this yourself. Our Digital Marketing Coaching sessions could be exactly what you need.

Digital Marketing is essential for all business, but finding the right person to manage is a minefield. Maybe you have been suckered by a Facebook funnel campaign; the guys who claim to have made millions and are willing to share their secret. Or perhaps you answered one of the many calls and emails from agencies trying to take the business, a usual sign that they are client-burners who do a poor job. The only sure-fire way is a personal recommendation, which is more than likely why you are here as that’s how we prefer it. We believe in helping people, not using them to increase our bank balance. We want to train our clients to help them manage their own accounts and cut wasted advertising spend.

The other key thing to consider is the cost of big agencies, especially when they charge a percentage of ad spend. Isn’t that the wrong incentive for your budget? They will also likely have rival companies in your sector, but money comes over conflict of interest.

With smaller agencies you are unlikely to be the only client, so do you get the attention you deserve? Is the person shouting louder getting all the hours while your account is neglected?

If you are using an agency full stop do they truly know your business needs? They are possibly white-labelling to a freelancer for profit. Due to NDA’s, you would never know, but it is commonplace. It’s rare to find someone who is as good at both sales and PPC. You are speaking to a salesman or account manager who will promise you the world but not do the actual work.

Even if you manage the ads yourself, how do you keep up with best practise or get the return for your advertising budget? Do you have that crucial strategy and time-saving technology?

Digital Marketing Courses

So there is an alternative to using a Digital Marketing Agency. No-one understands your business better than you. No-one can write better Ad Copy than you can as you know your customer. You just need the knowledge to get the best results. And being honest, you will work harder as the results mean more. So how perfect if you joined your business knowledge with someone who can teach you how to wield it effectively. Becoming an expert in learning the fundamentals and successful strategies. PPC Digital Marketing is very trainable in a short space of time for the right trainee.

In most industries on the job training is the best way to develop skills and knowledge. The capacity to self-development, learn and grow is everyone’s potential with a teacher who adapts to their learning style. Online courses require self-discipline and don’t adapt to the trainee. With our in-house training, you benefit from a comprehensive free digital marketing audit as our expert trainer apply their industry knowledge to your account.

What does the Digital Marketing Training cover?

Whatever you want it to and whatever is the best for your business. If you are unsure then the best thing to do is ask yourself an important question; what do you want to achieve from the training? What do you what to learn and what is important for your business? What sort of new customers do you want to attract and what is a new lead worth to you? We can then suggest the best digital marketing strategy for your needs and budget.

So what sort of digital marketing do you need?

Google Search Ads -Reactive response to interested parties search terms.

Social Advertising – Pro-active advertising and remarketing.

You will most likely need both for your sales funnel, but we can cover your business needs in the initial meeting.

Google Ads PPC Training

  • Search type basics
  • Logical Account Structure
  • Bidding strategy
  • Search terms & Negative keywords
  • Standout Ad Copy and Extensions
  • Display Network
  • Meaningful Conversion tracking
  • Adwords Editor and time-efficient  tricks
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Remarketing

Facebook/Instagram Ads Training

  • Pixel
  • Setting up conversion tracking
  • Audience Creation
  • Campaign objective explanation
  • Logical Account Structure
  • Bidding strategy
  • Standout Ad Copy and Images
  • Remarketing

SEO Training

  • SEO basics and Google algorithms
  • Google Webmaster tools and Search Console
  • Google My Business
  • Site Speed
  • Mobile Experience
  • Content and natural language
  • XML sitemap and robots.txt
  • Meta titles & descriptions
  • Image alt text
  • Internal linking based on keywords
  • Pagination vs Infinite Scroll
  • Semantic and schema markup
  • Trust Flow and Citation Flow

How are we different?

Our experience is corporate trainers and people leaders before we ever became Digital Marketers. We are natural teachers who genuinely enjoy when our trainees learn and grow. We don’t like one size fits all group training sessions, where we cover accounts that have no relevance or interest to the attendees. And as Digital Marketing experts, we can educate everyone to our standard.

Despite earning more with group sessions, we prefer doing one-on-one training sessions about YOUR business. We want it to be successful and work on your accounts together to improve results and utilize both our knowledge sets for maximum results. We adapt our training style to suit your needs, something that can never be done with multiple trainees. We always go at your pace of learning and take breaks when needed, not because we have an agenda mapped out. We also skip out all the unnecessary modules you know already, or are not relevant to your business.

The training session aim is to teach the most relevant information to maximise the time. We can apply this for beginners, intermediate or advanced knowledge and centre the training on your needs. The sessions are completely bespoke and adaptable for the attendee.

Free Digital Marketing Audit

Prior access to your account means we can look in detail at your set-up to maximise the training time. So you get a free digital marketing audit too. We always want to over-exceed and provide value in what we do.

Training Structure

The beginning of the training session is always to understand the trainee’s knowledge levels, and what they want to learn and gain out of it. We like to display on a big TV so everyone can see exactly what is happening.

We will adapt to the trainees learning style but usually mix theory and practise,  to re-enforce the knowledge. We don’t expect people to stare at a presentation for hours wishing they doubled that espresso. It’s more of a coaching session with interactive learning of practical skills.

How long does it take?

The purist in me says we never stop learning, but the training sessions depends on knowledge levels and achievement targets. To get the most of it a half-day session is minimum with follow up sessions. An hour is too short. Some attendees have been having weekly day sessions for a year. It’s about individual needs.